“Don’t Let Life Stop You from Dreaming: Joseph’s Story”
Context of Message
Dreams will position you…Genesis 37:28; 38:1-6; 39:23
A young midshipman, greatly daring, wrote [the] late Lord Fisher [a] letter on behalf of [the] junior officers in his gunroom to this effect: “My Lord, you were once a midshipman like ourselves; and now you are at the head of our profession. Can you tell us how you did it?”
[Fisher responded,] “Get a vision of the great thing you want to accomplish. Get a plan of the way in which you hope to achieve it. Be prepared to battle for it. Pray earnestly to God to give you the victory.”
Dreams will reveal your gift…Genesis 39:2-6; 40:8, 16, 22
“Paul also recognized and extolled, as no other New Testament writer, the multiplicity of spiritual gifts. He called on everyone to find out his own particular gift and abide by it, so as to be fruitful in good works and helpful in building up the body of Christ.… The buried talent makes us liable to judgment; that ought to be borne in mind and preached today, when talents in the Christian church are for the most part buried, and the office-bearers only too often help, consciously or unconsciously, to dig graves for them.”
Dreams will provide you a platform for purpose…Genesis 41
In an early CMS anniversary sermon (1805?), John Venn, rector of Clapham, described a missionary in these terms:
With the world under his feet, with Heaven in his eye, with the Gospel in his hand and Christ in his heart, he pleads as an ambassador for God, knowing nothing but Jesus Christ, enjoying nothing but the conversion of sinners, hoping for nothing but the promotion of the Kingdom of Christ, and glorying in nothing but in the cross of Christ Jesus by which he is crucified to the world and the world to him.